
The organizing committee welcomes you to the 2024 SATiBA conference which will take place from 30 October – 1 November 2024 at the Western Cape Blood Service Head Office, Ndabeni, Cape Town.

The conference presents an opportunity for professionals involved in tissue and cell banking for transplantation both in Africa and internationally to collaborate and exchange information. The conference promises to attract a diverse group of sector partners, including government officials and members of transplant centres, health care facilities and private entities.

A special feature at this year’s conference will be an address by internationally acclaimed, Johan Steyn, AI & automation thought leader – this may raise the question of what the tissue banking future could look like. Apart from interesting sector related talks and presentations, another topic of special interest will be the National Health Insurance fund (NHI) and how it would potentially affect the business models in tissue banking.

A special word of thanks goes out to WCBS for making their new state of the art facility available for the conference, allowing us to cut cost and in doing so, encourage more participation. SATiBA also thanks our trade partners whose generous sponsorships makes this meeting possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you all in Cape Town and hope that you will enjoy the conference and have a memorable experience during your stay!